Интернет рекламаGCH Digital internet advertising – solutions for successful business

GCH Digital advertising agency offers to the client’s attention efficient solutions for promotion and increase of the company presence on Internet. With the help of the different types of internet advertising, offered by the agency, you will have the opportunity to be one step in front of the competition and to present in the best manner your goods or services. The large specter of the offered by GCH Digital web services, implies high efficiency and achievement of targeted results.

Our advertising agency incarnates all positive features of the online advertising thanks to the highly-qualified specialists. To date the online advertising is the most powerful and efficient method in order to promote service or product and the research has shown that its impact will increase more and more in the future GCH Digital is the digital guru in the following types of internet advertising.

PPC (pay per click) advertising

GCH Digital’s Pay per click (PPC) advertising is distinguished with great effectiveness and high results, achieved with possibly lowest prices of click. The agency disposes of profound knowledge as regards the click advertising and succeeds in satisfying the requirements also of the most pretentious clients, developing an activity on perfectly positioned for Pay per click (PPC) Bulgarian sites.

Google Adwords

The GCH Digital’s Google Adwords campaigns are managed by specialists in this field in possession of Google certificates for advertising strategies preparation in the network. The advertisings in Google Adwords bring highly targeted traffic to your site, without paying any additional sums except in the case when a user makes a click on your text, video or banner link to your site. The Google ad slots position the sponsored links in front of the results from the organic search by the relevant keywords as a consequence of exactly defined search.

Our advertising specialists will manage the Adwords campaign throughout all its duration – they will select the appropriate keywords, the advertising type, will target the audience, location (global or local) and will help for market share increase.

One of the most important advantages of the Adwords campaigns in comparison with the SEO optimization is the opportunity for a call to action, addition of new promotions, products and slogans. Our advertising agency provides permanent statistic and reports about number of clicks, the price of a click, impressions, CTR (Click –through rate). Our specialists will offer you creative decisions about the advertising message and the description, which will appear in the advertising slot.

Our certified specialists have skills to create highly effective video Adwords campaigns (display advertising) in YouTube. By choosing GCH Digital Google Adwords campaigns, you could attract a huge traffic to your site, thanks to the marketing strategies and management of the advertising direction in video clips.

Banner advertising

The GCH Digital agency banner advertising is an appropriate mean for promotion of goods, services and promotional offers to your web site. The objective of the banner creation and embedding is to attract the attention of the user and urge him to enter your site and act– purchase, demand, and order. The web designers develop banners with all the known technologies – HTML, JPG, GIF, Flash, also as sizes in pixels.

The advertising specialists of the agency will give you precious advices and statistical data about what kind, link to the site and banner size will be most appropriate for your business. It’s very important the banner to be lightweight – the heavy graphic ads are loading slowly and this fact diminishes their effectiveness.

The choice of GCH Digital banner advertising will guarantee a traffic increase to your site thanks to the various ideas of our specialists.

Click advertising

GCH Digital has developed innovative advertising network for click advertising – Biz-ads.eu, which shows your advertisings in more than 5 thousands Bulgarian web sites with different attendance and direction. Biz-ads is an optimal variant for advertising of the small and medium-size companies, which want to increase their presence in online environments.

The distinguished characteristics of the advertising network are the following:

  • High effectiveness
  • Click low price
  • Huge target audience
  • Very good price/quality ratio
  • Guarantees for effectiveness
  • Unceasing report and statistics

The most serious advantage of the advertising network Biz-ads is the opportunity the clients to determine themselves the click price and the monthly budget. In this way each your user could diminish the expenses and at the same time increase the revenues through the targeted traffic.

Video advertising

The video advertising is a method for promotion, which is growing steadily in the recent years. The GCH Digital clients, who choose the development of video advertising, will receive an incredible confidence growth and image of their brand or site and opportunity to an unbelievable growth of the client’s base and the sales. Our advertising agency performs own video capture of advertising clips; determine the campaign objectives and the whole video advertising strategy planning.

The GCH Digital marketing specialists dispose of the necessary qualification for analyze of the separate market segments, visualization of messages and ideas for optimization of future video campaigns. The GCH Digital video advertising optimizes significantly your marketing expenses and gives a total transparency as concerns the statistics.

Email marketing

The email marketing is one of the cheapest means to reach the ad to a wide range of users. The advertising messages, which are sent through emails, could bring a huge traffic to your site or page, but this technique hides a lot of risks. The sending of unwanted messages and advertisings with commercial purpose, could be treated as s spam from the recipient and in accordance with the Consumer protection law, he could undertake legal measures against you.

GCH Digital advertising agency hosts a huge data base of companies and private person’s emails, checked by our specialists in the system for the Protection of personal data. Our teams use advanced email marketing programs and implement complete marketing strategies for business success via emails. We perform pre-selection of companies or private persons, which are targeted to your products and services.

Exchange of links

Our advertising agency offers the service “Exchange of links” as an opportunity for mutual benefit with corporative clients. GCH Digital offers links in all projects of the agency – information portals and business catalogues, which secure a huge number of impressions and viewing of the link to your site. For more information as regards the exchange of links, please use the telephone and the emails for contacts on the site.